If you’ve been considering the idea of investing in solar panels for your home, time
may be of the essence—and I have a great installer recommendation to help you
‘weather’ changes in the solar panel industry that are right around the corner.
These adjustments include a reduction in the export rate pricing for power that you
don’t use and send to the grid.
"The CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission) has unanimously voted
to approve NEM 3.0. Electricity export rates (the power you don’t use and
send to the utility co.) will go down from an average of $0.30/kWh to
$0.08/kWh. The grid access fee will be $10-15/month flat for being
interconnected. There will be a 120 day grace period for homeowners to get
grandfathered into NEM 2.0 if they file for interconnection by April 15th
Current solar owners remain covered under their existing net metering policy, but new solar owners covered under NEM 3.0 will earn around 75% less for the excess electricity sent to the grid.
But wait. There is Good News
Californians can be grandfathered into the current NEM 2.0 by submitting an
Interconnection Application for their solar system by April 13, 2023.
And I have even better news!
If you’ve been thinking about getting solar (and now is the time to do it!) but you’ve
struggled to find an installer that you can trust to get the job done right, I’ve got you
Please call our friend Doug Koeppl with Efficient Energy Solutions at 916-214-
3544. You can trust him to provide solid advice and superior service! Tell him
Kyle sent you.
Do you have other questions about home improvement ideas that provide the best ROI? Give me a call and we can discuss home improvements that may eventually put more money in your pocket. 916-778-8659